Inspired by… Me

I am back at it again, not with the white Vans, but with blogging and man does it feel good!  My instructor wanted to know what inspired me.  He could look at my 1 million pins on Pinterest and learn what inspires me but I narrowed it down to 10.

I run on quotes and the meaning I take away from them.  Here are some of my favorites!



I also look at street art to get my inspiration flowing.  Banksy on the right and the little dude on the right is me everyday.

Jessica Walsh also inspired me.  She uses bold colors and pushes the boundaries of design.

Jessica Hische’s typography also inspires me.  Her handlettering is gorgeous!


Ceci of New York is someone I follow on Instagram.  She does stationery and part of her business gives back in a huge way.  Giving back is something I want to do.


I also look at art pieces to get my creative juices flowing.


What I enjoy the most and inspires me is craft beer labels.  I buy based on the label and my friend makes fun of me but it usually is pretty good.


I also listen to music when I work on projects, usually a pandora mix.  Sometimes Spotify if  I’m feeling it.


This is give or take 10 of the things that inspire me when I work on my projects.  This is what makes me tick.  These are Inspired by Me.

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