Beep, Beep, Beep, Coding…………..

Don’t worry this post has nothing to do with the medical field.  I did not save anyones life.  I’m just on a Grey’s Anatomy kick this month.  But I did learn how to code (a website), a little.  And by a little, I mean my coding skills need to be worked on.

I did do some interesting things with coding but it was nothing more than what I learned in class.  Which is frustrating to me.  I feel like I’m a smart person.  I went to all the websites for help, typed in the code exactly how it was, tried to sample my amazing creations and BAM! Blank page. No type. No piazza.  Just a white screen.  Go back and look at the code to compare it to the help website.  Oh I forgot a semi–colon!  I learned that I am a smart person but getting the computer to do what I want by typing is harder than it looks. If my whole code can be screwed up by one semi–colon, that kinda sucks.  My hat goes off to those who code websites.  Good for you! I’m just going to sit in the corner with my Coding for Dummies book silently getting upset with my computer.  I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually.  I need to make the time to do it and not get frustrated as easily.  It helped when we did a few exercises in class.  I felt like I knew what I was doing.  Then I got home and complete brain fart.

I think I struggled the most with all of the symbols.  I’m one of those people that has to know what everything means and what it does.  Oh I put a semi colon here, why?  What does it do?  I can use these symbols for more than a winky face?  😉

Some frustration aside, I know coding will become an asset if I learn how to do it.  I’ll just curl up with my Coding for Dummies book every night this summer and keep practicing.